The Swedish Work Environment Authority has issued new provisions governing the organizational and social work environment. The provisions apply to all activities where employees perform work on behalf of an employer. The purpose of the provisions is to promote a good work environment and prevent risk of ill health due to organizational and social conditions in the work environment. The provisions stipulate, among other things, that the employer shall ensure
- that managers and supervisors have knowledge about how to prevent and deal with an unhealthy workload and victimization at work, and
- that work tasks and authority assigned to the employees do not give rise to unhealthy workload, and
- that there are procedures for how victimization at work is to be handled, including who receives information that victimization is occurring, what happens with the information, what action the recipient of reported victimization is to take and how and where the person who is subject to victimization can quickly find help.
The employer shall furthermore clarify, for example in a policy, that victimization will not be accepted in the operations and set targets for the organizational and social work environment, which shall be documented in writing by employers who employ at least ten people.
The new provisions enter into force on 31st March 2016. An English language document summarizing the new regulations is available online [PDF].