15 November is European Equal Pay Day. To mark the occasion, we take a look at the EU’s Pay Transparency Directive, passed earlier this year. What will it mean for businesses? And what can employers do now to prepare for implementation in 2026? Background On 10 May 2023, the EU adopted a new Directive to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for…
International Equal Pay Day falls on 18 September. It’s a moment to reflect on what has been achieved and what still needs to be done to address pay equity globally. Here Ius Laboris lawyers from across the alliance provide a round-up of new measures and proposals to address the gender pay gap in their countries. Introduction: what is the gender pay gap? The ‘Gender Pay…
To mark UN International Day of Women and girls in Science, on 11 February, we’ve been taking a look at the issue of gender equality in science as a profession. It seems that despite numerous initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality in the workplace, discrimination against women in the field of science continues to be a persistent and systemic issue. From gender bias in the…
Pay equity analysis and a robust assessment of what causes disparities are key tools in the fight to tackle the gender pay gap in the workplace. Equal Pay Day marks the point when the average woman’s current earnings, combined with what she earned in the previous year, equals what the average man was paid last year. This year, equal pay day came early, on 15…
Das Thema Entgeltgleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern ist viel diskutiert, der weiterhin bestehende „gender pay gap“ und oftmals bestehende Beweisschwierigkeiten geben dazu Veranlassung. Juristisch sind noch Fragen ungeklärt: Muss die Arbeit „gleich“ sein oder reicht auch „gleichwertig“, um das gleiche Entgelt unmittelbar verlangen zu können? Können sich Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer auch bei Rechtsstreitigkeiten zwischen Privaten unmittelbar auf Art. 157 AEUV berufen? Einige Fragen hat der…
Under new gender pay gap proposals in Brazil, employers would face heavier penalties for failing to pay men and women equally. This article explains. On 30 March, the Brazilian Senate approved a legislative bill applying a new sanction to cases where organisations have a gender pay gap without a non-discriminatory reason. If approved by the President, the bill would increase the penalties but will not…
Zur Bekämpfung des bis heute bestehenden geschlechterspezifischen Lohngefälles in Unternehmen hat der Gesetzgeber im Jahre 2017 das Entgelttransparenzgesetz (EntgTranspG) geschaffen, mit dem das Gebot des gleichen Entgelts für Frauen und Männer bei gleicher oder gleichwertiger Arbeit durchgesetzt werden soll. Auskunfts- und Zahlungsansprüche gegen Arbeitgeber auf Grundlage dieses Gesetzes waren bisher in der arbeitsrechtlichen Praxis nicht an der Tagesordnung. Die praktische Relevanz des EntgTranspG dürfte sich…
Germany has introduced the Pay Transparency Act which came into force on 6 July. The Act is intended to reduce the gender pay gap, but whether it turns out to be a “bureaucratic monster” as some predict, or a “breakthrough for fair pay for women”, as the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth is calling it, remains to be seen….