UK and Brexit: Changing your mind about notice

The Government may argue in the Supreme Court that its Article 50 notice to leave the European Union may be revoked, according to press reports. This would be the exact opposite of what it argued in the High Court, which noted that it was “common ground between the parties that a notice under Article 50 cannot be withdrawn, once it is given”. It is, however, a…

Nach "Tyco": Wegezeit als Arbeitszeit?

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat vor gut einem Jahr mit Urteil vom 10.9.2015 – C-266/14 („Tyco“) eine auf den ersten Blick wegweisende Entscheidung gefällt. Dort hatte ein Unternehmen, das überregional Wartung und Reparatur von Einbruchsicherheitssystemen anbot, seinen technischen Service umstrukturiert. Statt wie bisher die landesweite Betreuung der Kunden durch ein Filialnetz zu gewährleisten, wurden die Techniker mit dem voll ausgestatteten Dienstwagen direkt von zu Hause…

Homeoffice: Fallstricke vermeiden!

Arbeit im Homeoffice hat sich heute bereits in vielen Unternehmen etabliert. Im Zuge der Diskussion um Arbeit 4.0 wird Homeoffice daher vielfach wie selbstverständlich als zeitgemäße Arbeitsform vorausgesetzt, während neuere Entwicklungen wie „Mobileoffice“ verstärkt in den Fokus rücken. Wesentliche rechtliche Fallstricke bleiben dabei allerdings die gleichen. Dies etwa mit Blick auf fehlenden gesetzlichen Unfallversicherungsschutz, wenn der Mitarbeiter auf der heimischen Treppe (Homeoffice) oder im Lieblingscafé…

Amendments to the Czech labour code (Part 2)

Last week we have introduced in part 1 the amendments to the Czech Labour Code. Part 2 continues especially with remarks on changes regarding remuneration, leave and prevention of stress. What exactly are these changes going to be? What do you need to watch out for when planning your company’s budget for next year? And what should you already begin to take into account and slowly start…

Football vs. Belgian employment law: 1-0?

According to a survey among 1,000 Belgian employees, 6 out of 10 employees intend to watch Euro 2016. Another survey among 200 HR managers revealed, however, that 7 out of 10 Belgian employers fear a reduction in productivity in the coming weeks due to Euro 2016. One should, perhaps, not be too surprised knowing that 2 employees out of 3 expect management will turn a…

Italian employment law considerations during EURO 2016

„Italians lose football matches as if they were wars and lose wars as if they were football matches.“ With this sentence, Winston Churchill summarised the intense emotion felt by Italians for football: like it or not, there are very few countries in which football takes on such a historic and passionate significance as in Italy. So, given this relationship between Italians and football, it is…

Journey time = Working time?

In principle, journey time (home – work and back) is not working time, in particular since the employee does not start work until he reaches the workplace, and the employer has no control of where the employee lives, which the latter chooses himself. However, a European Court of Justice („Court of Justice“) judgement has recently made an exception to the principle that journey time is…

USA: New overtime regulations since 1 December 2016

The Final Rule published by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) amending the „white collar“ exemption tests for executive, administrative, and professional employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) will take effect December 1, 2016. Although it is possible the implementation date could be delayed by court order as a result of litigation challenging the rule, currently no such order has been issued. Accordingly,…